Joanna Vargas: Female Entrepreneurship

The Atom Team

We are joined in this podcast by Joanna Vargas, host of the Get Up Girl Podcast and congressional and business award winning female business owner and creator, where we discuss choosing yourself and the roads less travelled to reach success, and inspiring other females to wake up, live life to the fullest, and achieve their goals.

We talk about the spontaneity of certain enterprises and having to learn as you go and appreciate the journey as much as the results, the merits of finding your own path and how the traditional style of learning may not be how you learn best, and the rise of modern ‘girl boss’ trends and how some aspects of modern women in business tropes can be pressurising and harmful to women who may prefer being an employee to being an employer.

Whether you have achieved your current goals and are on track for your success, or are not doing as well as you’d hoped and feel stuck, a question you should ask yourself is “how do things get better than this?” and use that to figure out what your next steps should be.

Main Topics

  • Female Entrepreneurship
  • Traditional vs Alternative Learning Styles
  • Succeeding through Spite
  • Separating Self from Business 
  • Modern Feminism in Business


  • Joanna Vargas – Get Up Girl Podcast host, Multi-award winning female business owner & Serial entrepreneur.

Main Questions

  • What guided her decision to drop out of university?
  • What was it like starting her first business as a woman in 2004 and how has female entrepreneurship changed since?
  • How do you know if you’re ready to move on from a project?
  • How do you get back up and move on when things don’t work out?

An Interesting Point

  • Female entrepreneurs tend to avoid talking about numbers and profits compared to male entrepreneurs, especially if they are lower than expected. Joana would like many of them to start being as blunt and confident when talking about their revenue and profits, whether high or low, as their male counterparts, and stop underselling their worth.
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