Fall in love with your problem, not your solution – MVP tips


Need some MVP tips? In the dynamic world of start-ups, speed is often the essence of success. Rapid MVP (Minimum Viable Product) delivery, as championed by companies like Verticode, has become an innovative approach to product development. This genre of services aims to provide founders with a functional prototype in a markedly short timeframe – typically two to three weeks. This agile strategy is invaluable as it allows companies to test the waters, gain user feedback, and iterate without the prolonged wait tied to traditional development cycles.

Tom Green of Verticode, having launched over 50 tech start-ups in the past two years, highlights that these rapid cycles are not just about speed but also about maintaining a crucial level of transparency and expectation management. Founders are often anxious to know how much their project will cost and the timeframe to expect. Verticode’s packaged, productized services offer a clear outline and set deliverables by the end of each sprint, allowing for predictable budgeting and scheduling.

The Importance of Transparency in Development

A key differentiator of the rapid MVP approach is the emphasis on transparency. Traditional methods often fall short in this department, leading to frustration and misalignment of expectations. It’s common for founders to start a project with elaborate visions only to have those visions diluted or altered significantly by the time the product launches. Verticode addresses this challenge by providing clear, detailed plans and incorporating consistent feedback cycles from founders.

This methodology ensures that any deviation from the original plan is noted and agreed upon by stakeholders. Changes, which are almost inevitable in a product development journey, are managed in a controlled manner to avoid scope creep and cost inflation. The structured sprints allow for easier adaptation and integration of essential feedback without derailing the timeline or budget.

Problem Centricity Over Solution Centricity

Another core philosophy at Verticode is encouraging founders to focus on the problem they aim to solve rather than their envisioned solution. Founders often fall in love with their ideas, making it difficult to scale back or pivot when necessary. From the initial meeting, Verticode aims to shift the founder’s mindset – stressing the importance of understanding the problem deeply before jumping into building a solution.

Start-ups often come with either very fresh or very entrenched ideas – both of which pose unique challenges. The rapid MVP approach involves leveraging the founder’s domain expertise while combining it with Verticode’s product development skills. This partnership aims at delivering a lean, functional product that tackles the core problem efficiently, allowing for quicker go-to-market strategies and better alignment with user needs.

Beyond the Initial MVP

A common misconception is that subsequent development post-MVP will be as rapid and straightforward. While the first few sprints may yield swift results, subsequent stages often involve more complexity and diminishing returns due to the increasing need for thorough testing, quality assurance, and the integration of additional features. Verticode addresses this by being upfront about potential timelines and the evolving nature of product development.

Founders must understand that while the rapid MVP approach provides a solid foundation, scaling the product will inevitably slow down as it grows in complexity. Verticode remains flexible, working in isolated sprints which allow founders time to gather necessary feedback and resources between development phases. This method supports the sustainable evolution of the product while maintaining the agile principles that facilitated the initial MVP.

Comparative Analysis: Offshoring vs. In-House Development

Choosing a development partner often involves comparing various options, including offshoring and no-code/low-code solutions. Offshoring, despite its potential for cost savings, often lacks the transparency and consistent quality that Verticode prides itself on. While offshoring can be beneficial if founders have trusted contacts, many find it lacks the reliability and accountability crucial to maintaining a successful development cycle.

On the other hand, no-code and low-code platforms present a viable alternative for technically savvy founders looking to get their product to market quickly without heavy upfront costs. However, these solutions demand a certain level of technical competence and product expertise, which may not be feasible for all founders. Verticode offers a more hands-on, customized approach that caters to the unique needs of each project, ensuring that even non-technical founders can achieve their product goals efficiently.

Navigating Founder Expectations

Managing founder expectations is arguably one of the most challenging aspects of rapid MVP development. Founders often approach with grand ideas, envisioning fully-fleshed products that encompass numerous features. Verticode’s role is to distill these ideas into their fundamental essence, focusing on what is essential to solve the problem and validate the concept.

This process involves a delicate balance of listening, advising, and occasionally pushing back to ensure the product remains lean and focused. Not every founder is ready to embrace this lean mindset, and Verticode’s model is designed to cater to those who are willing to pivot and adapt based on constructive feedback and pragmatic development cycles.

By fostering this mentality from the start, Verticode not only aids in the creation of effective MVPs but also prepares founders for the iterative journey of refining and scaling their product. This approach builds a stronger, more adaptable product foundation, better positioned for long-term success in the ever-evolving tech landscape.

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