Your Tech
Co-Founding Team

Bring your idea to life using our tech expertise

Are you looking for more than just a tech agency?

As your Tech Co-Founder We Will…

Take the burden of tech development off your shoulders

Provide you with a tech vision and a team to build it

Be at your side when raising investment

Why choose technical co-founder as a service?

In return for equity, we will be your co-founding team and you’ll get the best tech help for less. You’ll also get:

A dedicated CTO to help you shape the strategy and create a tech roadmap

A committed project delivery team to take the burden off your shoulders
Expert software developers with a broad range of skills and experience
A full tech team to support you through your fundraising process

Why work with Atom CTO and Siya?

Atom CTO and Siya Ventures have combined forces to offer a tech co-founding team to aspiring entrepreneurs that need experienced tech advice.

Both companies have decades of experience in the tech sector, building, launching and scaling business across the globe.

Ideation Stage

Have an idea for a product or a service

Revise your Idea

Siya will build your MVP as per your business aims and objectives

Research & Observe

Identify if this is a valid idea to be introduced in the market with market research and analysis

Product Definition

Atom will build a technical roadmap aligned with your business goals


Time for fireworks, we help you launch the product and test it in the market

Measure and Learn

We will help you adapt and refine your product with the response you get in the market


We will help in expanding the company as it moves forward, building teams and manage those teams

Enhance the tech strategy so that you can enter new markets

Scale the Product

We will help you make the product scale as you get more traction


We will help you raise money by being named on your pitch deck and helping you with investor meetings

Adapt the technology to respond to your clients’needs

Identify areas for optimisation

Strengthen business resilience and security

When you need a full time CTO, we will help you hire one

We will be present for your next round of funding from Seed and Series A onwards
We will help you scale your IT Operations
As a trusted partner we will remain as technical non-execs

Ideation Stage

Have an idea for a product or a service

Research & Observe

Identify if this is a valid idea to be introduced in the market with market research and analysis

Revise your Idea

Product Definition

Atom will build a technical roadmap aligned with your business goals

Siya will build your MVP as per your business aims and objectives


Time for fireworks, we help you launch the product and test it in the market

Measure and Learn

We will help you adapt and refine your product with the response you get in the market

Scale the Product

We will help you make the product scale as you get more traction


We will help in expanding the company as it moves forward, building teams and manage those teams


We will help you raise money by being named on your pitch deck and helping you with investor meetings

Enhance the tech strategy so that you can enter new markets
Adapt the technology to respond to your clients’needs

Identify areas for optimisation

We will be present for your next round of funding from Seed and Series A onwards

Strengthen business resilience and security

We will help you scale your IT Operations

When you need a full time CTO, we will help you hire one

As a trusted partner we will remain as technical non-execs

Get in touch!


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Your Tech
Co-Founding Team

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