Business Owners

The right tech decisions can help you enter new markets, generate additional revenue or cut costs

For business owners, it is often hard to find tech advice that you can rely on. You may feel you need a neutral tech advisor who can provide impartial advice or review what you already have in place to see if it is fit for purpose for the future. Atom CTO can be your trusted advisor.
Atom CTO can be your trusted advisor.

Aligning business with tech

We ensure that your technology is hyper-focused on achieving business goals

Smoothing out problems

Every tech team encounters problems, we’ll help you overcome them.

Trusted partner

We’ll be your reliable ally backed by a team with real technical expertise.

Atom CTO can help you

Scale effectively

If you’re already gaining traction, we can help you scale sustainably with the right tech 

Overcome performance issues

Underperforming teams, a breakdown in communication with the tech team – we’ve seen it all!

Gain confidence in your tech

Need to know whether your tech stack is fit for purpose? Get a second opinion from Atom CTO
You’re a business owner with a product that’s gaining traction. If you need a 2nd opinion on an outsourced tech provider’s output, we can give you the support and oversight for an objective view on their technology use.
Every team has teething problems, from underperformance to a breakdown in communication. We can be a neutral stakeholder, helping to align the tech with business goals.


Virtual CTO

Whether it’s building, scaling or managing your tech team, we can give ongoing tech advice and oversight.

Due Diligence

Honest, no-nonsense feedback on your tech team and tech stack, from a neutral party.

Software Development

We’re used to delivering highly complex, scalable applications from design to operations.
When it comes to technology, we have your back
If you’re running a startup with under 50 employees, we’re ideally placed to help. From managing your tech team, being a trusted and knowledgeable tech partner or reinforcing the connection between technology and business objectives, get in touch.