Adib Bamieh: The Rule of Three and Ten in Business Growth


In this episode, we dive into an intriguing concept called the rule of three and ten with Adib Bamieh, the founder of Bamboo Orchard. Adib enlightens us about this powerful management concept he has observed over his 17 years as a Chief Operating Officer (COO).

According to Adib, every time a business reaches a threshold of three or ten employees, there are significant changes in the way it needs to operate. This pattern has repeatedly proven to be true, as Adib has identified the underlying issues faced by businesses at these numerical milestones.

From his vast experience, Adib shares that with just one or two employees, the existing systems and communication channels suffice. However, once the employee count reaches three, a whole new way of communicating and storing information becomes essential. Interestingly, the processes established for three to nine employees typically remain effective and adaptable. Yet, when a business scales up to ten employees, another transformation must occur. The reason behind this pivotal change is the transition from a single team to a multi-team structure, which demands cross-team communication strategies. This pattern continues to hold true as the business grows, working for teams of ten to thirty.

Adib’s deep understanding of this pattern enables him to quickly identify critical points of breakdown. By analyzing the breakdown of communication, operations, or even the business’s positioning and branding, Adib can deduce whether the company is grappling with the challenges that typically emerge at the thirty-employee mark or at the ten-employee mark. Through this rule of three and ten, Adib provides valuable insights that can empower any business to navigate these vital turning points with greater ease.

Join Adib and Bhairav as they uncover essential lessons on hiring the right people for your business and the importance of cultural compatibility. Additionally, they explore the impact of an individual’s experience within companies of various sizes on their adaptive abilities. Don’t miss out on this vibrant and informative episode that promises to unlock the growth potential of your business!

What you will learn from this podcast

You will learn the following:

  1. There are patterns and challenges that companies commonly face at different stages of their growth. These challenges are not random.
  2. Building a strong foundation and getting the basics right is essential for success in business.
  3. Hiring the right people and aligning their values with the company’s values is crucial, especially when making the first few hires.
  4. Conflict resolution can vary from case to case, but there are usually patterns that can be recognized. Choosing the path that minimizes resentment and disappointment is often the best approach.
  5. Businesses can be rated on a scale of one to ten, and understanding the size and shape of a business can help determine the type of experience and skills needed for hiring and growth.

Why you should listen to this podcast

The Atom CTO podcast is a must-listen for anyone interested in gaining valuable insights and knowledge on a wide range of topics related to technology, startups, and entrepreneurship.

In this particular episode, Adib Bamieh from Bamboo Orchard shares his expertise on co-founder equity and equity splits, as well as the crucial process of hiring the right people for your team.

Adib’s practical advice and unique philosophy on hiring will help listeners navigate the challenges and make informed decisions to ensure the success of their startup.

So whether you’re a budding entrepreneur or an experienced tech professional, this podcast episode is an excellent resource that will leave you inspired and equipped with valuable knowledge to drive success in your own entrepreneurial journey.

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