10 Tips Before You Start Your Business

10 Tips Before You Start Your Business

In this podcast, we sit down with Alan Clarke to discuss things we would have liked to have known before starting a business, and offer advice to budding entrepreneurs about choosing their business based on the right problem for them to solve, making sure you know...
Minter Dial: Branding, Leadership, Mindset

Minter Dial: Branding, Leadership, Mindset

In this podcast, we have a chat with Minter Dial, former CEO of Redken and top executive at L’Oréal, as well as an award-winning and prize-winning author for 3 separate books and 3 time entrepreneur, about branding for modern businesses, the traits needed for...
Maxwell Nee: High Performing Coach

Maxwell Nee: High Performing Coach

Here, we are joined by Maxwell Nee, Co-Founder of High-Performing Coach, an online coaching platform which grew 300% during the 2020 Covid-19 Lockdown, and have a chat about what you need to think about if you want to get into the coaching profession, as well as what...